Who usually initiates a Balanced Scorecard effort?

asked Mar 24 '10 at 21:17

Dylan's gravatar image

Dylan ♦♦

edited Mar 24 '10 at 21:49

The target audience for Balanced scorecard engagements has typically been the executive team at corporate or a major business unit of Fortune 500 companies (CEO, COO, CIO, CFO, EVP of strategic planning, division or SBU presidents etc.). In large organizations, functional units such as Marketing or Product Development or support units such as IT or HR are potential targets. The more senior the buy-in, the more successful the program will be.

answered Mar 24 '10 at 21:17

Dylan's gravatar image

Dylan ♦♦

I agree that Balanced Scorecard efforts are successful with leadership buy-in, but the initiation of an effort like this can also come from deeper within the organization. It can come from a performance management officer or a finance officer or a lean/six sigma group. Once the effort is born, it certainly needs leadership support to succeed.

answered Mar 26 '10 at 15:12

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Ted Jackson

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