How do you best avoid "measures creep" and the temptation to add all the existing measures from your organization into your scorecard? We're trying to implement the Balanced Scorecard, but none of our managers are willing to give up the measures that they've been using for years and have been evaluated on (presumably since those are the measures they know they can make).

asked Apr 23 '10 at 04:35

Frank%20Meyers's gravatar image

Frank Meyers

You want to think about measures on a scorecard by scorecard basis. You should have between 15-25 measures for the enterprise scorecard, and potentially another 15-20 for each business unit. Thus, when thinking about measures creep, you should think about it on a particular scorecard and try to limit your measures to a maximum of 25, if possible. Two ideas come to mind to help you in this endeavor.

  1. Start reporting immediately. You will find that you cannot actually measure, discuss, and manage 50 measures in regular management meetings. Sometimes the process of starting monthly management meetings will help you quickly narrow your measures to the critical few you need to manage with.

  2. Consider the level of the measure. Some measures are better off at the division or department level, and they help to provide insight to the scorecard there, but it is not information that the executive leadership team should be looking at unless there is a major problem. Sometimes it is as easy as asking "is this information you need or information the CEO needs?" Driving these measures deeper into the organization will also help create alignment for your organization.

answered Apr 23 '10 at 11:46

Ted%20Jackson's gravatar image

Ted Jackson

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Asked: Apr 23 '10 at 04:35

Seen: 6,101 times

Last updated: Apr 23 '10 at 11:46

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