Can anyone point me in the direction of a good reference for charting metrics? Our charting is all over the place -- sometimes we use pie charts, other times line or bar graphs. It would be great to have some kind of consistency so that people can quickly scan the chart and understand the issue.

asked Apr 06 '10 at 17:18

John%20Jones's gravatar image

John Jones

Charts are fun, and the plethora of charts available through Microsoft Excel do not help in controlling the variety. The problem with using a variety of charts in your BSC is that you typically have to spend more time than it is worth just trying to figure out what the chart is telling you, rather than time on what the information in the chart is telling you.

My favorite chart is the line bar chart. Bars for the actual information, and a line for the target. If you can keep them the same color for each of your measures that is even better.

Then, if you have more information, you can think about how to enhance the chart. Thus, if there is an industry benchmark that you are shooting for, it can be an additional line or bar in your chart.

You should really push to have some standardization across your measures so that the leadership team can quickly evaluate performance and determine if there is any action required or decision that is necessary to improve performance.

answered Apr 21 '10 at 18:14

Ted%20Jackson's gravatar image

Ted Jackson

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Asked: Apr 06 '10 at 17:18

Seen: 4,753 times

Last updated: Apr 21 '10 at 18:14

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